Here are our responses to ESOMAR’s 37 Questions to help market research make an informed decision of choosing us as their sample partner.

What experience does your company have in providing online samples for market research? How long have you been providing this service? Do you also provide similar services for other uses such as direct marketing? If so, what proportion of your work is for market research?

Laconic Research, as a dynamic and innovative market research panel company, has quickly established itself as a leader in the industry over the past three years. Our commitment to creating highly engaged research panels is deeply rooted in our comprehensive understanding of the evolving market landscape.

With a strong focus on respondent engagement and data integrity, Laconic Research has developed robust practices to ensure high-quality data collection. We have leveraged our expertise in online research methodologies, drawing upon best practices accumulated through years of experience. Our panel management guidelines and industry principles are consistently applied across our panels in various regions.

Since our inception, Laconic Research has successfully conducted a wide range of online surveys by using our proprietary panels, encompassing diverse research objectives. These include concept testing, package and product evaluation, website assessments, public opinion studies, and more. Our extensive experience enables us to navigate sensitive topics, conduct voter exit polling, and effectively test advertising effectiveness.

As a forward-thinking organization, Laconic Research is continually evolving to meet the changing demands of the industry while upholding the highest standards of data privacy and security. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide valuable insights backed by reliable data, making us a trusted partner for your market research needs.

Do you have staff with responsibility for developing and monitoring the performance of the sampling algorithms and related automated functions who also have knowledge and experience in this area? What sort of training in sampling techniques do you provide to your frontline staff?

Laconic Research prides itself on its team of skilled professionals who are dedicated to developing and monitoring the performance of our sampling algorithms and related automated functions. Our staff members possess extensive knowledge and experience in this specialized area, ensuring the utmost accuracy and efficiency in our sampling processes.

To ensure that our frontline staff is well-equipped with the necessary expertise in sampling techniques, we provide comprehensive training programs. These training sessions cover a wide range of topics, including sampling methodologies, best practices in sample selection, data quality control, and the utilization of advanced sampling algorithms.

Our training programs are designed to empower our staff with a deep understanding of sampling principles, ensuring they are proficient in applying the most appropriate techniques for each research project. We also stay updated with the latest advancements in sampling methodologies, continuously enhancing our training programs to keep our staff at the forefront of industry trends and innovations.

By investing in the training and development of our staff, we ensure that they have the expertise and skills required to effectively implement and monitor sampling algorithms, guaranteeing the highest quality and reliability in our data collection processes.

What other services do you offer? Do you cover sample-only, or do you offer a broad range of data collection and analysis services?

At Laconic Research, we offer a comprehensive range of services beyond sample collection. While sample collection is our core offering, we understand that our clients' research needs often extend beyond just gathering data. That's why we provide a broad range of data collection and analysis services to support their research objectives.

Our suite of services includes survey design and development, data collection through online surveys, data processing and cleaning, advanced analytics, and insightful reporting. We have a team of experienced professionals who specialize in sampling techniques and statistical analysis to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the collected data.

In addition to our diverse range of services, we also have access to niche audiences that can provide valuable insights for specific industries or research topics. For example, we have access to specialized panels of cancer patients, moms, architects, and more. This allows us to cater to the unique requirements of our clients and provide targeted data collection from these specific audience segments.

By offering both a broad range of services and access to niche audiences, we aim to provide our clients with comprehensive and tailored research solutions. Whether you need a general population sample or require insights from a specific niche audience, Laconic Research is equipped to meet your research objectives and deliver high-quality data and analysis.

Using the broad classifications above, from what sources of online sample do you derive participants?

At Laconic Research, we derive participants for our online sample from a diverse range of reliable sources. We have built a robust and extensive proprietary panel that serves as the foundation of our sample pool. Our panel consists of engaged and verified individuals who have voluntarily opted in to participate in research studies.

In addition to our proprietary panel, we collaborate with trusted third-party partners to access additional sources of online sample. These partnerships allow us to expand our reach and target specific demographics, industries, or niche audience segments. We carefully select and vet these partners to ensure the highest quality and integrity of the sample they provide.

Furthermore, we leverage various online channels and platforms to recruit participants, including social media platforms, online communities, and targeted advertising campaigns. This multi-channel approach helps us reach a diverse and representative sample of participants for our clients' research studies.

By combining our proprietary panel, strategic partnerships, and online recruitment channels, we ensure a comprehensive and reliable source of online sample. This approach enables us to meet the specific requirements of our clients' research projects and deliver high-quality data for actionable insights.

Which of these sources are proprietary or exclusive and what is the percent share of each in the total sample provided to a buyer? (Assume proprietary to mean that the sample provider owns the asset. Assume exclusive to mean that the sample provider has an exclusive agreement to manage / provide access to sample originally collected by another entity.)

At Laconic Research, we take pride in our robust proprietary panel that forms the cornerstone of our sample provision. We have invested significant resources and effort into building a high-quality and engaged panel of respondents. Therefore, in the majority of our research studies, the share of our proprietary sample is 100%.

We have implemented stringent vetting processes to ensure the authenticity and reliability of our panelists. Through continuous monitoring and verification, we maintain a database of active and responsive participants who are ready to contribute their insights to research projects.

While we primarily rely on our proprietary panel, we also understand the importance of meeting diverse client needs. In cases where specific demographics or niche audiences are required, we may collaborate with vetted external vendors with the explicit approval of our clients. These partnerships allow us to access exclusive sample sources that align with the unique requirements of the research study.

Our commitment to transparency and client collaboration ensures that we provide a clear understanding of the sample sources used in each project. By leveraging our proprietary panel and selectively engaging with approved external vendors, we maintain control over sample quality and deliver accurate and reliable data to our valued clients.

What recruitment channels are you using for each of the sources you have described? Is the recruitment process ‘open to all’ or by invitation only? Are you using probabilistic methods? Are you using affiliate networks and referral programs and in what proportions? How does your use of these channels vary by geography?

At Laconic Research, we employ a comprehensive approach to recruitment, utilizing various channels to ensure a diverse and representative sample. Our recruitment process is a combination of invitation-only and open-to-all methods, depending on the specific research requirements.

In terms of recruitment channels, we engage in partnerships with reputable affiliate networks, media agencies, and social media platforms to reach a wide audience. These channels contribute to approximately 60% of our panel size. Additionally, we leverage our in-house database and direct web sign-ups for self-recruitment, accounting for around 25% of the panel size.

Across different regions, our recruitment strategies may vary to align with local preferences and market dynamics. For instance, in North America, social media platforms play a prominent role, contributing to approximately 45% of the panelists. In Europe, we emphasize self-recruitment and referrals, which make up around 30% of the panelists. In the Asia-Pacific region, affiliate networks and direct bloggers/influencers contribute significantly, accounting for approximately 50% of the panelists.

It's important to note that the proportions mentioned above are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the exact distribution in each region. Our recruitment strategy is tailored to each project's unique requirements, ensuring a balanced and reliable sample that represents the target population effectively.

By leveraging a combination of trusted recruitment channels, we can provide our clients with a diverse and high-quality sample, delivering actionable insights for their market research needs.

What form of validation do you use in recruitment to ensure that participants are real, unique, and are who they say they are? Describe this both in terms of the practical steps you take within your own organization and the technologies you are using. Please try to be as specific and quantify as much as you can.

At Laconic Research, ensuring the authenticity and uniqueness of our panelists is a top priority. We have implemented robust validation measures both within our organization and through advanced technologies.

Practically, we employ a multi-step validation process that includes mobile number verification, unique email verification, device verification, government ID verification, LinkedIn verification, and more. These steps help us verify the identity of participants and ensure they are who they claim to be.

Mobile number verification involves sending a unique verification code to the participant's mobile device, which they must enter to confirm their identity. Device verification helps us detect and prevent duplicate or fraudulent entries from the same device. Government ID verification involves requesting participants to provide valid identification documents for authentication purposes.

Furthermore, we leverage LinkedIn verification to validate the professional profiles of participants, adding an extra layer of credibility to their information. This verification process allows us to filter out suspicious panelists and maintain the integrity of our sample.

In addition to these practical steps, we utilize our proprietary L-mark technology, powered by machine learning algorithms, to identify and filter out suspicious or fraudulent panelists. This technology analyzes various data points, such as response patterns, engagement levels, and behavioral indicators, to detect and mitigate potentially fraudulent activities.

By combining these validation measures and technologies, we ensure that our panelists are real, unique, and trustworthy, providing our clients with reliable data for their market research projects. Our commitment to maintaining high-quality and trustworthy samples is fundamental to delivering accurate insights and actionable recommendations.

What brand (domain) and/or app are you using with proprietary sources? Summarize, by source, the proportion of sample accessing surveys by mobile app, email or other specified means.

At Laconic Research, we have developed multiple brand domains and apps, including SurveyGoals and BusinessSurveyGoals, to enhance our proprietary sources and provide a seamless experience for our panelists. These distinct brands serve as additional entry points for participants to access surveys, ensuring convenience and accessibility.

We employ a diverse range of channels to invite participants, including personalized email invitations, notifications through our mobile app, and web-based survey links. The proportion of sample accessing surveys through each channel varies based on factors such as panelist demographics and project requirements.

Currently, a significant portion of our surveys, approximately 57%, is initiated through email invitations using SurveyGoals and BusinessSurveyGoals, providing panelists with targeted opportunities. Around 33% of participants access surveys through our feature-rich mobile app, and the remaining 10% utilize our user-friendly web-based platform. These proportions are subject to variation to meet the specific needs of each project and target audience.

To ensure the authenticity and uniqueness of our participants, we employ robust validation measures. Our process includes mobile number verification, device verification, government ID verification, and LinkedIn verification. Additionally, we utilize our proprietary L-mark technology, which employs machine learning algorithms to identify and filter out suspicious panelists, guaranteeing the highest level of data quality and reliability.

Through our multi-channel approach and stringent participant validation, we deliver exceptional sample quality, enabling our clients to make informed decisions based on reliable insights.

Which model(s) do you offer to deliver sample? Managed service, self-serve, or API integration?

At Laconic Research, we exclusively offer sample provision through a managed service model We believe. in providing our clients with a comprehensive and hassle-free experience, where our expert team takes care of every aspect of the research project.

Through our managed service approach, we handle the entire process, from sample design to launch, fieldwork management, and project closure. Our dedicated team of professionals ensures smooth project execution, guaranteeing high-quality results and client satisfaction.

While we primarily operate under the managed service model, we also collaborate with external sources when necessary. Our commitment to delivering exceptional service and outstanding results has made us a trusted partner for our clients. By choosing Laconic Research's managed service model, you can focus on your research objectives while relying on our expertise to handle all aspects of sample provision.

If offering intercepts, or providing access to more than one source, what level of transparency do you offer over the composition of your sample (sample sources, sample providers included in the blend). Do you let buyers control which sources of sample to include in their projects, and if so how? Do you have any integration mechanisms with third-party sources offered?

At Laconic Research, we prioritize transparency and control over the composition of our sample to ensure the highest research quality for our clients. While we primarily provide panel samples rather than intercept samples, we understand the significance of source blending when multiple sources are involved.

To maintain consistency and avoid unintended biases, we follow proven research practices by blending across a defined combination of panels and sources. This approach allows us to access a larger pool of quality samples while ensuring consistency across studies or waves.

We believe that the decision on which sample sources to include should align with the specific research objectives and the desired level of research quality. Therefore, we collaborate closely with our clients to understand their unique requirements and preferences. Our clients have the opportunity to exercise control over the sample sources used in their projects, enabling them to align the composition of the sample with their research goals.

While we do not offer intercept samples, we do have integration mechanisms in place with select third-party sources to expand our sample pool and cater to diverse research needs. These integration mechanisms allow us to leverage additional resources while maintaining our commitment to data integrity and research excellence.

At Laconic Research, we strive to provide full transparency and empower our clients to make informed decisions about their sample composition, ensuring the utmost control and quality in their research projects.

Of the sample sources you have available, how would you describe the suitability of each for different research applications? For example, Is there sample suitable for product testing or other recruit/recall situations where the buyer may need to go back again to the same sample? Is the sample suitable for shorter or longer questionnaires? For mobile-only or desktop only questionnaires? Is it suitable to recruit for communities? For online focus groups?

At Laconic Research, we take pride in offering sample sources that are suitable for a wide range of research applications. Our panel samples are designed to cater to various research needs and adapt to different study requirements.

For product testing or recruit/recall situations where repeated access to the same sample is necessary, we recommend utilizing our internal double opt-in panels and other trusted third-party double-opt panels. These panels ensure a reliable and engaged participant base for accurate and consistent feedback throughout the research process.

When it comes to questionnaire length, our panel samples are suitable for both shorter and longer questionnaires. We understand that research studies vary in complexity and depth, and our samples can accommodate the necessary survey length without compromising data quality or respondent engagement.

Our panel samples are versatile and accessible across multiple platforms, making them suitable for both mobile-only and desktop-only questionnaires. We recognize the importance of reaching respondents on their preferred devices to maximize participation rates and ensure representative data.

Furthermore, our panel samples are well-suited for recruiting communities and facilitating online focus groups. We understand the significance of gathering insights from specific communities and creating a collaborative environment for group discussions. Our panel samples provide access to diverse and targeted audiences, enabling effective community recruitment and seamless online focus group experiences.

At Laconic Research, we believe that our panel samples are suited to all types of market research projects. We have carefully curated and validated our panelists to ensure their suitability for a wide range of research applications. Our commitment to delivering high-quality, reliable data remains consistent across different study types, methodologies, and research objectives.

We are confident that our panel samples will meet your research needs and provide valuable insights for your market research projects.

Briefly describe your overall process from invitation to survey completion. What steps do you take to achieve a sample that “looks like” the target population? What demographic quota controls, if any, do you recommend?

At Laconic Research, we adopt a comprehensive process from invitation to survey completion, focusing on generating a sample that accurately represents the target population. Our approach combines advanced technology and rigorous screening to ensure a balanced and representative sample.

To achieve a sample that "looks like" the target population, we start by defining specific targets based on official census statistics or client-requested profiles. We also consider sub-samples of our panel to create representative quotas for specific target populations, such as mobile phone owners or pet owners. These quotas help us obtain a well-balanced sample that aligns with the desired demographics.

Our sampling process utilizes an application with proprietary algorithms designed to construct complex samples. The software considers the target and screening requirements to select potential respondents who match the specified criteria. It uses an interactive selection algorithm that balances variables simultaneously, ensuring representation across all relevant characteristics.

The algorithm operates as follows:

  1. It calculates the sample demand based on marginal quotas, such as the number of males, females, age groups, and regional distribution.
  2. It evaluates the eligible number of panelists for crossed cells, taking into account specific combinations of demographic criteria.
  3. The algorithm determines the sample demand on crossed quotas by considering both the marginal demand and crossed eligibility, using a RIM weighting approach.
  4. The required number of panelists for each crossed profile is randomly selected.

If the sample needs to be distributed among multiple groups for equal treatment or survey fielding, this allocation is performed in real-time as respondents enter the survey.

To maintain panelist engagement and prevent bias from overusing the same participants, we implement exclusion procedures. Panelists are excluded from participating in surveys for specific periods based on our panel management expertise and rules. Factors considered include the type of study, the category researched, and the recent invitation history of respondents.

For deployment, panelists receive invitations to a router rather than direct survey invitations. The invitation process is controlled through an email delivery service, allowing automated and scheduled mailing in batches. In cases where pre-screened or pre-recruited individuals are required, direct invitations can be sent for specific surveys, such as product tests or diaries.

We have the capability to control the number of completes for specific cells by setting desired end quotas on specified criteria such as gender, age, and more. Once the target quota is reached, the survey will close for respondents within that target group.

At Laconic Research, our rigorous process, advanced technology, and careful monitoring enable us to deliver high-quality samples that accurately reflect the target population. Our commitment to maintaining sample integrity and representative quotas ensures that our clients receive valuable insights for their research projects.

What profiling information do you hold on at least 80% of your panel members plus any intercepts known to you through prior contact? How does this differ by the sources you offer? How often is each of those data points updated? Can you supply these data points as appends to the data set? Do you collect this profiling information directly or is it supplied by a third party?

At Laconic Research, we prioritize the collection and maintenance of comprehensive profiling information to enhance the efficiency and targeting capabilities of our panel. We strive to have at least 80% of our panel members, along with any intercepts obtained through prior contact, profiled with relevant information.

The specific profiling information we collect may vary based on the sources we offer and the requirements of our clients. We gather essential demographic details, including name, email address, gender, year and month of birth, and zip/postal code. Household-related information such as household size and the age and gender of children under the legal minimum age living in the household is also obtained. Education and household income may be mandatory in some countries during the registration process.

In addition to demographics, we collect additional profiling data that aligns with our clients' specific sample targets. These may include information related to pets, beverages, finances, electronics, vehicles, or other relevant variables. The panelists have the option to answer these profiling questions through the Panel Member website, which is managed by Laconic Research. It's important to note that the response rate for these optional profiling questions may vary based on their relevance to individual panelists.

To ensure the accuracy and currency of the profiling information, each question has a specific expiration date set in our system, typically ranging from 1 month to 2 years. The expiration period is determined based on the nature of the question, with consumption variables potentially being re-asked every 6 months, while main demographic variables like education may have an expiration period of 1 year. After the expiration date, panelists are given the option to refresh their profiling information on specific topics.

The profiling information serves multiple purposes within our systems. It allows for better targeting of respondents in surveys, aids in setting quotas, and provides demographic appends to enrich the data set. However, it's important to note that the validity of the information depends on whether it has expired or remains up-to-date. If a question's expiration date has passed, respondents will be prompted to answer the question again directly within the survey.

For non-Laconic Research sample sources, the management of profiling information is typically handled by the respective vendors or third parties involved in the data collection process. We ensure that all necessary agreements and protocols are in place to maintain data privacy and comply with applicable regulations like GDPR, CCPA when collaborating with external sources.

What information do you need about a project in order to provide an estimate of feasibility? What, if anything, do you do to give upper or lower boundaries around these estimates?

To provide an estimate of feasibility for a project, Laconic Research requires certain key information to assess the scope and viability. The following details are essential for us to provide accurate estimates:

  1. Overall sample definition: We need a clear understanding of the target audience or population that the study aims to capture.
  2. Demographics: Specific demographic variables and quotas that must be achieved in the sample composition.
  3. Qualification criteria: Any additional qualification factors that respondents need to meet, and whether they have already been pre-screened within our panel, need to be pre-screened before the study launch, or can be determined within the survey itself.
  4. Incidence level: If the client doesn't have prior research, we can estimate the expected incidence level based on the sample target.
  5. Number of completes required: The desired number of completed responses necessary for the study.
  6. Over-quotas/boosts: If there are any specific groups or segments that require over-quota sampling or additional boosts, we need a clear definition of these groups.
  7. Estimated survey length: An approximation of the survey duration helps us gauge the respondent's time commitment and potential impact on completion rates.
  8. Exclusion rules: Any rules regarding participation in previous waves of a tracking study or specific exclusion criteria.
  9. Special stimuli or tasks: If the survey involves elements such as image files, audios, videos, or specialized tasks like conjoint analysis or card sorting, we need to account for their presence.
  10. Time in field: The intended duration for data collection or fieldwork.

By considering these project-specific details, we can determine the feasibility of conducting the study within the desired time frame and specifications using our internal sample sources. If any feasibility concerns arise, we collaborate closely with the client to explore potential solutions. These may include adjusting the number of completes, extending the time in the field, revising qualification criteria, or incorporating external respondent sources if necessary.

At Laconic Research, we continuously refine and update our feasibility models and algorithms to ensure the accuracy of our estimates. This enables us to provide reliable information on the number of completes that can be delivered based on the project requirements and constraints. Our goal is to offer feasible solutions that align with the client's research objectives while maintaining high-quality data collection standards.

What do you do if the project proves impossible for you to complete in field? Do you inform the sample buyer as to who you would use to complete the project? In such circumstances, how do you maintain and certify third party sources/subcontractors?

In situations where a project becomes impossible for Laconic Research to complete in the field, we follow a specific protocol to address the challenge. While we strive to handle most research studies internally, there are instances where we may engage third-party sample providers to fulfill the client's requirements.

When faced with such circumstances, our approach is to inform the sample buyer about the need to collaborate with an external partner to ensure project completion. Transparency and effective communication are key elements of our client relationships, and we maintain open dialogue throughout the process.

To maintain the quality and reliability of third-party sources and subcontractors, we have a rigorous certification and vetting process in place. This process involves carefully selecting companies that align with our high standards for quality control and respondent management. These preferred partners undergo thorough evaluation and adhere to stringent guidelines for each commissioned project.

Additionally, Laconic Research has implemented a Supplier Quality/Satisfaction program. This program enables us to capture both qualitative and quantitative measures of supplier performance. We regularly review this feedback, assessing factors such as responsiveness, data quality, and adherence to project specifications. These evaluations are conducted on a monthly basis by our management team, ensuring ongoing monitoring and maintenance of supplier standards.

By upholding strict criteria for selecting and certifying third-party sources and subcontractors, we safeguard the integrity and reliability of the research conducted on behalf of our clients. Our commitment to maintaining quality extends not only to our internal processes but also to the external partners we collaborate with, ensuring consistent and reliable results for our clients' market research initiatives.

Do you employ a survey router or any yield management techniques? If yes, please describe how you go about allocating participants to surveys. How are potential participants asked to participate in a study? Please specify how this is done for each of the sources you offer.

At Laconic Research, we have developed a proprietary survey allocation algorithm that allows us to efficiently allocate surveys to the most relevant panelists within our own panels. This algorithm takes into account various factors such as demographics, past survey participation, and profiling information to ensure a targeted and representative sample.

We utilize email invitations or web notifications to invite potential participants to our surveys. These invitations contain project-specific details, including the purpose of the study, estimated survey length, and any incentives offered for participation. Our email invitations are designed to be informative and engaging, encouraging panelists to click on the provided survey link and participate in the study.

Through our proprietary algorithm, we can match the survey requirements with the profiles of our panelists in a precise manner. This allows us to select the most suitable participants for each survey, ensuring that the data collected is relevant and reliable. By leveraging this algorithm, we aim to maximize the efficiency and quality of our sample allocation process.

Furthermore, we maintain clear and transparent communication with our panelists throughout the survey process. We provide regular updates on the progress of the study and ensure that panelists have a smooth and user-friendly experience when participating in our surveys. This helps to maintain high levels of engagement and response rates.

By combining our proprietary survey allocation algorithm with effective email invites or web notifications, we strive to provide a seamless and efficient experience for our panelists while ensuring the delivery of accurate and reliable data for our clients.

Do you set limits on the amount of time a participant can be in the router before they qualify for a survey?

As Laconic Research does not utilize a survey router, we do not set specific limits on the amount of time a participant can be in the router before they qualify for a survey. We employ alternative methods for participant recruitment and survey allocation that do not involve a router system.

Our participant recruitment process focuses on maintaining an active and diverse panel of respondents who have voluntarily opted to be part of our research community. When we have a survey that matches the criteria of a particular participant, we directly invite them to participate through email invites or web notifications based on their relevant profiles.

By bypassing the use of a survey router, we aim to streamline the participant experience and ensure that individuals who are most suitable for a specific survey are targeted directly. This approach allows us to deliver more precise and targeted research opportunities to our panelists, increasing the quality of data collected and enhancing the overall research outcomes.

At Laconic Research, we prioritize the efficient allocation of surveys to qualified participants while maintaining a participant-centric approach that promotes engagement, relevance, and data accuracy.

What information about a project is given to potential participants before they choose whether to take the survey or not? How does this differ by the sources you offer?

When potential participants are invited to take a survey through Laconic Research panels, we provide them with the necessary information to make an informed decision. The specific information shared with participants includes:

  1. Invitation Link: Participants receive a unique and secure link to access the survey. This link ensures that each participant can only access the survey once.
  2. Contact Information: We provide participants with our physical address, member support email address, and any relevant contact information they may need to address any queries or concerns.
  3. Privacy Policy: Participants are provided with a link to our privacy policy, which outlines how their personal information is collected, stored, and used in compliance with data protection regulations.
  4. Opt-Out Information: Participants are informed about their option to opt out of participating in the survey if they choose not to proceed. We respect their decision and ensure their privacy rights are upheld.

At Laconic Research, we prioritize transparency and clarity in communicating with potential participants. By providing this essential information upfront, we aim to establish trust and maintain a participant-centric approach throughout the research process.

As for the sources we offer, this information remains consistent regardless of the specific source. Whether participants are recruited from our proprietary Laconic Research panel or through other channels, we strive to provide them with the same level of information to enable them to make an informed decision about survey participation.

Our commitment to transparency and participant satisfaction ensures that individuals have the necessary details to decide whether to take part in the survey, empowering them to engage in research opportunities that align with their interests and preferences.

Do you allow participants to choose a survey from a selection of available surveys? If so, what are they told about each survey that helps them to make that choice?

At Laconic Research, we value participant autonomy and strive to offer them the opportunity to choose surveys that align with their interests and preferences. We allow participants to select a survey from a range of available options through our panelist website or app dashboard.

When presenting the available surveys to participants, we provide them with relevant information to aid their decision-making process. This information includes:

  1. Survey Details: Participants are provided with survey-specific information such as the survey number and the number of incentive points associated with each survey.
  2. Device Compatibility: We ensure that participants are only shown surveys that are compatible with the device they are using. This helps to optimize their survey-taking experience.
  3. Unique URL: Each survey is assigned a unique URL that grants participants access to the questionnaire. This link ensures that participants can directly access the selected survey.
  4. Contact Information: We provide participants with our member support email address or a convenient link to reach out for any assistance they may require during the survey process.
  5. Privacy Policy: Participants are given a link to our privacy policy, which outlines how their personal information is handled and protected in accordance with applicable data privacy regulations.

To maintain survey integrity and minimize potential bias, we do not disclose the specific topic of the survey to participants. This approach ensures that participants make their selection based on their own preferences and without any preconceived notions.

By providing participants with the necessary information to make an informed choice, we prioritize transparency and respect for their autonomy. We believe that empowering participants to select surveys that resonate with them leads to more engaged and valuable research outcomes.

What ability do you have to increase (or decrease) incentives being offered to potential participants (or sub-groups of participants) during the course of a survey? If so, can this be flagged at the participant level in the dataset?

At Laconic Research, we have the ability to adjust incentives offered to potential participants or sub-groups during the course of a survey. This flexibility allows us to tailor the incentive structure based on specific research needs and participant engagement.

Increasing or decreasing incentives can be implemented within our system before the survey is launched into the field. This enables us to respond to various factors such as the target audience, survey complexity, or desired response rates.

However, it is important to note that while adjusting incentives can be useful in certain situations, it should be done with caution. Varying reward values may introduce bias into the sample results, as participants may be motivated differently based on the incentives offered. It is essential to carefully consider the potential impact on data quality and the specific research objectives before making changes to incentives.

Regarding the flagging of incentive levels at the participant level in the dataset, we can certainly accommodate this requirement. By capturing and recording the incentive level for each participant, it becomes possible to analyze the data with respect to the incentive variations. This ensures transparency and provides researchers with the necessary information to understand the potential influence of incentives on participant behavior and survey outcomes.

By having the ability to adjust incentives and flagging them at the participant level in the dataset, we aim to strike a balance between maintaining participant motivation and ensuring unbiased research results. Our approach considers the specific needs of each study while upholding rigorous research standards.

Do you measure participant satisfaction at the individual project level? If so, can you provide normative data for similar projects (by length, by type, by subject, by target group)?

At Laconic Research, we value participant satisfaction and have measures in place to monitor and address it at the individual project level. Our focus is on ensuring a positive experience for our panelists throughout their participation in surveys.

Survey Satisfaction : After completing a survey, panelists are given the opportunity to provide feedback through optional survey satisfaction questions. These questions allow panelists to share their thoughts on the survey experience. We closely monitor these responses and provide clients with access to the results. Threshold values are established to identify significantly high or low scores, helping to highlight areas of concern or success.

Panel Satisfaction Survey : Periodically, we conduct a standardized survey to gauge our panelists' satisfaction with various aspects of panel membership, including the panelist website, survey experience, rewards, communication channels, and support. The results of this survey inform engagement strategies and drive improvements in our panelist experience. While this feedback focuses primarily on the panelist experience and may not be directly relevant to clients, it helps us maintain a high level of participant satisfaction.

In addition to these surveys, we maintain an open line of communication with our panelists through our Member Services team and social media channels. This allows us to promptly address any issues or concerns raised by participants, ensuring their satisfaction and overall engagement. The feedback received from panelists is shared with relevant stakeholders within our organization, facilitating continuous improvements in our processes and services.

Furthermore, we consider the abandon rate as an indirect measure of participant satisfaction. Abandon rates are tracked at both the individual question level and on a macro scale for each survey. High abandon rates may indicate respondent dissatisfaction with specific questions and can raise concerns about data quality and non-response bias. By monitoring abandon rates, we can identify potential issues and patterns, prompting us to reconsider and redesign questions to enhance respondent usability and satisfaction.

While we do not provide normative data for similar projects based on length, type, subject, or target group, our focus on participant satisfaction ensures that we continuously strive to deliver a positive experience to our panelists. By leveraging feedback, monitoring abandon rates, and addressing issues promptly, we aim to maintain high levels of participant satisfaction and data quality across all our projects.

Do you provide a debrief report about a project after it has completed? If yes, can you provide an example?

At Laconic Research, we provide a comprehensive debrief report upon the completion of a project. This report includes essential information and insights regarding the fieldwork process. While the specific contents of the report may vary depending on the project and client requirements, here is an example of what our debrief report may include:

  1. Study Launch: We provide the date on which the study was launched, marking the start of data collection.
  2. Incidence Rate: The incidence rate, which refers to the proportion of qualified participants in the target population who completed the survey, is included in the debrief report. This information gives an indication of the feasibility and accessibility of the survey.
  3. Study Completion: The date of study completion is mentioned, indicating when the data collection phase concluded.
  4. Survey Length: We provide information on the average survey length, which gives an overview of the time required for participants to complete the questionnaire. This information can be useful for future study design and planning.

In addition to these standard elements, we can customize the debrief report to include additional information and analysis based on client requirements. This may include detailed demographic breakdowns, response rates, quality control measures, and any specific insights or findings that emerged during the project.

It's important to note that the debrief report is tailored to each project and client, ensuring that the information provided is relevant and valuable for their specific needs. Clients can also request additional reports or analyses beyond the standard debrief report, and our team is committed to accommodating these requests to the best of our abilities.

Overall, our debrief report serves as a comprehensive summary of the project, providing clients with valuable information and insights derived from the data collection process.

How often can the same individual participate in a survey? How does this vary across your sample sources? What is the mean and maximum amount of time a person may have already been taking surveys before they entered this survey? How do you manage this?

At Laconic Research, we have implemented measures to ensure participant engagement and minimize respondent fatigue. The frequency at which the same individual can participate in a survey may vary across our sample sources. Here is an overview of how we manage participant eligibility and exclusions:

  1. Rules: We apply exclusion rules to prevent respondent fatigue and minimize bias due to recent survey experience. These rules are designed to exclude participants who have recently taken similar surveys or studies on related topics. Our global elimination policy includes general rest period eliminations, category eliminations, and same study/research type eliminations.
    1. General Rest Period Eliminations: Panelists who have recently been invited to participate in a survey are excluded from subsequent invitations for a certain period. This allows for a reasonable break between survey opportunities.
    2. Category Eliminations: Respondents who have recently participated in a study related to the same category of products, services, or behaviors as the current survey may be excluded. This helps to avoid bias caused by overrepresentation of individuals with extensive recent experience in a particular area.
    3. Same Study/Research Type Eliminations: Participants who have taken part in a previous wave of the same study or research type may be excluded to maintain data quality and avoid potential bias.
  2. Real-Time Checks: For our panelists, elimination checks are applied at the sample extraction stage and at the survey level. This ensures that participants who meet the exclusion criteria are not invited to participate in surveys that they are ineligible for based on their recent participation history.
  3. External Sample Sources: For participants from external sample sources, we have implemented real-time automated checks. When a respondent reaches our sampling platform, their participation history is assessed to determine if they meet the exclusion criteria for the specific survey.

  4. By implementing these measures, we aim to balance participant engagement, data quality, and minimize the potential for bias. The specific mean and maximum amount of time a person may have been taking surveys before entering a particular survey can vary depending on various factors such as the sample source, study type, and project requirements.

    Our approach to managing participant eligibility and exclusions is continuously monitored and reviewed to ensure the integrity and quality of our research data. We are committed to maintaining a fair and engaging environment for our participants while providing reliable insights to our clients.

    What data do you maintain on individual participants such as recent participation history, date(s) of entry, source/channel, etc.? Are you able to supply buyers with a project analysis of such individual level data? Are you able to append such data points to your participant records?

    At Laconic Research, we maintain comprehensive data on individual participants, including their recent participation history, date of entry, source/channel, and other relevant information. Our participant records are designed to capture various aspects of a panelist's survey history and experience within our panel.

    The data we maintain on individual participants includes:

    1. Recruitment Date and Tenure: We record the date when a participant joins our panel, as well as their tenure or length of membership.
    2. Demographic Profile: We maintain a complete demographic profile for each participant, including information such as age, gender, location, education level, and other relevant demographic variables.
    3. Survey Invites and Response History: We track the survey invitations sent to participants and their response history. This allows us to understand their engagement and participation patterns.
    4. Technical Configuration: We record the technical details of participants' devices and settings at the time they enter a survey. This includes information such as operating system, browser, Java and Flash settings, IP address, and other relevant technical data.

    We are able to provide buyers with project analyses that leverage individual-level data, depending on the specific requirements and privacy regulations. Sample reports can be generated to compare the target definition and sample profile against the panel profile and eligible participant profile across relevant dimensions.

    While we strive to provide clients with the necessary data points, we also adhere to data privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other local/country-specific privacy laws. As a result, there may be limitations or additional requirements when handling personal identifying information. We prioritize the protection and control of personal data, ensuring that respondents/data subjects have full control over the use of their information.

    Please note that specific requests for personal identifying information may require additional privacy compliance research or survey set-up to ensure appropriate data collection and processing procedures are followed.

    Please describe your procedures for confirmation of participant identity at the project level. Please describe these procedures as they are implemented at the point of entry to a survey or router.

    At Laconic Research, we place a strong emphasis on ensuring the quality and integrity of our research data. This includes implementing procedures to confirm participant identity at the project level, particularly at the point of entry to a survey or router. Our procedures are designed to address potential issues such as fraudulent behavior, respondent fatigue, and data duplication.

    To confirm participant identity and maintain data quality, we employ the following procedures:

    1. Country Geo-IP Validation: We validate the respondent's IP address to ensure they are connecting from within the surveyed country. If the IP address is detected outside the intended country, participation is not allowed.
    2. Device Settings and Geo-IP Location: We identify and remove device settings and geo-IP location combinations that are indicative of fraudulent behavior. This helps prevent respondents using devices that may exhibit suspicious characteristics.
    3. Risk Score Analysis: We leverage digital fingerprinting technology provided by our proprietary L-Mark System to assess the risk associated with a given panelist. Digital fingerprinting assigns a unique identifier to each device based on its characteristics, allowing us to evaluate the device's location, past fraud history, and other relevant factors.
    4. Deduplication Checks: We employ deduplication checks to ensure that respondents have not already participated in the same study. Digital fingerprinting is utilized to identify and flag respondents attempting to access the study multiple times from the same device.
    5. Panel Usage Rules: We have strict rules in place to prevent excessive survey participation by the same individuals. This helps maintain data freshness and reduces the risk of bias caused by respondents becoming accustomed to specific survey types or product categories.
    6. Duplicate Device and Email Detection: We use digital fingerprinting, web cookies, and email address de-duplication to identify and eliminate multiple responses from the same device or email address. These measures help ensure the uniqueness of participant contributions.

    All these procedures for confirming participant identity and maintaining data quality are fully automated and standardized across all regions, survey types, and sample sources. They are implemented by default, and there is no additional charge for research buyers to benefit from these quality measures.

    Our team of experts continually monitors and reviews the performance of these procedures to stay ahead of evolving respondent behaviors and changes in the online landscape. Additionally, our production teams follow industry and Laconic Research's best practices to ensure fieldwork runs smoothly, and our research teams optimize survey instruments and analyze data to detect inconsistencies or illogical patterns.

    By integrating these procedures and fostering a shared responsibility for quality throughout our organization, we aim to work with real, fresh, unique, and engaged respondents who provide meaningful and reliable insights.

    How do you manage source consistency and blend at the project level? Regarding trackers, how do you ensure that the nature and composition of sample sources remain the same over time? Do you have reports on blends and sources that can be provided to buyers? Can source be appended to the participant data records?

    At Laconic Research, we place great importance on source consistency and blend management at the project level. We understand the significance of maintaining consistent sample sources, particularly for trackers or studies that require comparability over time. Our goal is to ensure that the nature and composition of sample sources remain stable to minimize any potential data implications.

    To manage source consistency and blend at the project level, we follow these practices:

    1. Optimal Sample Blend: We carefully create an optimal sample blend for each project based on the specific requirements and objectives. This includes considering factors such as sample size, target demographics, and project specifications.
    2. Consistency for Trackers: For tracking studies, we pay close attention to maintaining consistency over time. We strive to deliver a sample blend that remains consistent throughout the agreed-upon period, ensuring that any changes in sample composition are minimal. This helps to ensure data comparability and consistency across waves or time periods.
    3. Quota Management: We employ a best practice approach of managing quotas by supplier to ensure a consistent sample frame from each source in the blend. This allows us to control and maintain a balanced representation of different sample sources within the overall sample composition.
    4. Feasibility and Sustainability: We conduct feasibility assessments to ensure that the selected sample blend remains feasible and sustainable throughout the lifecycle of a tracker or project. This includes considering any exclusion periods or specific project requirements to safeguard the long-term viability of the study.

    Regarding reports on blends and sources, we are able to provide buyers with detailed information and insights about the sample blend and sources used in a project. These reports can include the composition of the sample blend, the contribution from each source, and any relevant details that help buyers understand the sample structure and composition.

    Furthermore, we have the capability to append source information to participant data records. This means that we can associate and track the specific sources from which participants were recruited or obtained, providing valuable insights into the sample sources' characteristics and contributions.

    By implementing these practices, we strive to ensure source consistency and blend management to maintain data integrity, comparability, and reliability across projects.

    Please describe your participant/member quality tracking, along with any health metrics you maintain on members/participants, and how those metrics are used to invite, track, quarantine, and block people from entering the platform, router, or a survey. What processes do you have in place to compare profiled and known data to in-survey responses?

    At Laconic Research, we place a strong emphasis on participant/member quality tracking to ensure the integrity and reliability of our data. We have established processes and metrics in place to monitor participant behavior and engagement, and we actively utilize this information to invite, track, quarantine, and block individuals from entering our platform, router, or surveys.

    Here are the key components of our participant/member quality tracking:

    1. Hyper-Activity Monitoring: We actively monitor participant activity levels from the moment of registration. If a participant demonstrates excessively high activity, even if their response data appears unremarkable, we consider it as suspicious behavior. In such cases, we take necessary actions to investigate and address the situation accordingly.
    2. Unengaged/Suspect Behavior Detection: To maintain data quality, we employ techniques to identify unengaged or suspicious behavior. For instance, participants who consistently exhibit speeding (rapidly completing surveys without thoughtful responses) or straightlining (selecting the same response option in a series of questions) are flagged for further evaluation. Once they surpass a predefined threshold of "misbehavior," they are automatically purged from the panel. Additionally, if we detect outright fraudulent answers, immediate purging occurs to ensure data integrity.
    3. Under-Clicking Management: While under-clicking participants may not pose a direct issue, we prefer to remove them from our active pool. Under-clickers are participants who demonstrate very low engagement and activity levels, potentially indicating a dormant or inactive account. By purging under-clickers, we not only maintain an accurate representation of our active panel but also mitigate the risk of "sleeper" accounts, which are intentionally created to infiltrate the panel and remain undetected until they are ready for malicious actions.

    Through these monitoring processes, participants who exhibit hyper-activity, unengaged/suspect behavior, or extended periods of inactivity are purged from our panel. As a result, they are no longer able to access surveys or contribute to our data collection efforts.

    In addition to participant/member quality tracking, we have robust processes in place to compare profiled and known data to in-survey responses. This allows us to evaluate the consistency and accuracy of participant profiles against their actual survey responses. By analyzing the alignment between profiled data and in-survey responses, we can identify any discrepancies or anomalies, which helps us maintain the quality and reliability of our data.

    At Laconic Research, we prioritize participant/member quality tracking as a crucial aspect of our research operations. By proactively monitoring participant behavior, employing strict purging protocols, and verifying data consistency, we ensure the integrity and accuracy of our data for the benefit of our clients and research objectives.

    For work where you program, host, and deliver the survey data, what processes do you have in place to reduce or eliminate undesired in-survey behaviours, such as (a) random responding, (b) Illogical or inconsistent responding, (c) overuse of item nonresponse (e.g., “Don’t Know”) (d) inaccurate or inconsistent responding, (e) incomplete responding, or (f) too rapid survey completion?

    At Laconic Research, we prioritize maintaining data quality by implementing processes to reduce or eliminate undesired in-survey behaviors. We have established robust mechanisms to address the following specific behaviors:

    1. Random Responding: To identify respondents who provide random or arbitrary answers, we utilize advanced algorithms that evaluate response patterns and consistency. By analyzing the coherence and logical flow of responses, we can detect and flag potential random responders for further investigation.
    2. Illogical or Inconsistent Responding: Our survey design includes logic checks and validation mechanisms to identify illogical or inconsistent responses. We employ conditional branching and skip patterns to ensure that respondents provide consistent and logical answers based on the survey flow. Any inconsistencies or illogical responses are automatically flagged for review and verification.
    3. Overuse of Item Nonresponse (e.g., "Don't Know"): We actively monitor the frequency of item nonresponse within surveys. Excessive use of "Don't Know" or similar response options may indicate disengagement or lack of attentiveness. We track and analyze the pattern of item nonresponse to identify respondents who consistently exhibit this behavior, allowing us to take appropriate actions such as removing them from the dataset or excluding their responses from analysis.
    4. Inaccurate or Inconsistent Responding: Our survey instruments include validation checks, such as range checks and forced-choice questions, to minimize inaccurate or inconsistent responses. We carefully design the questionnaires to guide respondents towards providing accurate and consistent answers. Additionally, we implement data quality checks during data processing to identify and rectify any potential errors or inconsistencies in responses.
    5. Incomplete Responding: We employ various techniques to encourage respondents to provide complete responses. This includes clear instructions, progress indicators, and reminders to ensure participants understand the importance of providing comprehensive answers. In cases where respondents consistently provide incomplete responses, we may exclude their data from analysis to maintain data quality.
    6. Too Rapid Survey Completion: We utilize algorithms that calculate completion speed based on the time spent in the survey and the number of answers provided. Respondents who complete surveys significantly faster than the median completion speed are flagged as potential speeders. We remove speeders in real-time during live surveys, ensuring their responses are not included in the final data deliverables.

    In addition to these processes, we continuously strive to create engaging survey experiences for participants. By optimizing survey length, minimizing grid usage, avoiding burdensome tasks, and following best practices in questionnaire design, we enhance respondent engagement and minimize the likelihood of unengaged or fraudulent responses.

    At Laconic Research, we are committed to maintaining data quality throughout the survey process. By employing a combination of real-time monitoring, validation checks, and engagement-focused design, we aim to reduce undesired in-survey behaviors and ensure the reliability and validity of the data we deliver to our clients.

    Please provide the link to your participant privacy notice (sometimes referred to as a privacy policy) as well as a summary of the key concepts it addresses. (Note: If your company uses different privacy notices for different products or services, please provide an example relevant to the products or services covered in your response to this question).

    At Laconic Research, we prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of our participants' personal information. Our participant privacy notice can be accessed at the following link: [Privacy Notice](

    Key Concepts Addressed in Our Participant Privacy Notice:

    1. Data Collection: We explain the types of personal information we collect from participants, including contact details, demographic information, and survey responses. We emphasize that participation is voluntary and that participants have control over the information they provide.
    2. Purpose of Data Collection: We outline the purposes for which we collect participant data, such as market research, analysis, and reporting. We assure participants that their information will only be used for these specified purposes and will not be shared with third parties for marketing or advertising purposes.
    3. Data Storage and Security: We describe how we protect participant data through appropriate technical and organizational measures. This includes maintaining secure systems, implementing data encryption, and restricting access to authorized personnel. We emphasize our commitment to safeguarding participant information from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse.
    4. Data Retention: We specify the retention period for participant data and explain that we retain information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the research objectives or comply with legal obligations. We assure participants that their data will be securely deleted or anonymized once it is no longer needed.
    5. Rights and Choices: We inform participants about their rights regarding their personal data, including the right to access, rectify, or delete their information. We explain the process for exercising these rights and provide contact information for any inquiries or requests.
    6. Confidentiality and Anonymity: We assure participants that their responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. We explain the steps we take to aggregate and anonymize data to ensure that individual participants cannot be identified in research findings or reports.
    7. Data Transfers: If applicable, we disclose whether participant data may be transferred to countries outside of their home country and explain the safeguards in place to protect their information during such transfers.
    8. Cookies and Tracking Technologies: If we use cookies or other tracking technologies on our website or during surveys, we provide information about their purpose, how they are used, and the participants' choices regarding their use.
    9. Updates to the Privacy Notice: We state that our privacy notice may be updated from time to time and provide a date indicating the last revision. We encourage participants to review the notice periodically to stay informed about any changes.

    10. Our participant privacy notice is designed to be transparent, concise, and easily accessible, ensuring that participants have a clear understanding of how their personal information is handled and protected throughout their engagement with Laconic Research.

    How do you comply with key data protection laws and regulations that apply in the various jurisdictions in which you operate? How do you address requirements regarding consent or other legal bases for the processing personal data? How do you address requirements for data breach response, cross-border transfer, and data retention? Have you appointed a data protection officer?

    At Laconic Research, we prioritize compliance with data protection laws and regulations in all jurisdictions where we operate. Here's how we address key aspects of data protection:

    1. Legal Compliance: We strictly adhere to the data protection laws and regulations in each jurisdiction. Our internal policies align with these requirements, giving priority to the stronger of the local privacy legislation or our global data protection policy.
    2. Consent and Legal Bases: We obtain participants' consent or rely on other legal bases for processing personal data, as required by regulations. We provide clear information about the purpose of data processing, the legal basis for processing, and participants' rights to withdraw consent if applicable.
    3. Data Breach Response: We have a robust Data Breach Incident Management procedure in place. In the event of a data breach, we promptly prepare the necessary documentation, including incident details and notifications to supervisory authorities or affected individuals, as mandated by local privacy laws.
    4. Cross-Border Data Transfers: We ensure compliance with data transfer requirements by using appropriate mechanisms and safeguards. For internal transfers within our organization, we have established agreements that cover different transfer scenarios. For external transfers, we rely on contractual addendums that incorporate Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) or additional security measures as required.
    5. Data Retention: We follow our Information Management Policy, which outlines data retention and storage practices based on the nature of the research conducted. Personal data is pseudonymized when no longer needed and anonymized when research projects are completed and ready for archiving. We apply customized retention rules based on specific client requirements.
    6. Data Protection Officer: We have appointed a dedicated Data Protection Officer (DPO) responsible for overseeing privacy compliance. The DPO coordinates the implementation of our privacy program, ensures adherence to data protection laws, and serves as a point of contact for privacy-related inquiries.

    At Laconic Research, we maintain a strong commitment to data protection and privacy. We stay updated on evolving data protection regulations, providing a secure environment for participants' personal data while conducting our research activities.

    How can participants provide, manage and revise consent for the processing of their personal data? What support channels do you provide for participants? In your response, please address the sample sources you wholly own, as well as those owned by other parties to whom you provide access.

    At Laconic Research, we prioritize participants' ability to provide, manage, and revise consent for the processing of their personal data. We offer various support channels to ensure their preferences are respected. Here's how we facilitate these processes:

    1. Transparent Information: We believe in transparently informing participants about privacy-related aspects. We provide clear and concise explanations of the key elements of our privacy practices, including the purpose of data processing, legal bases, data recipients, data retention periods, and participants' rights. This information is easily accessible through our participant privacy notice or privacy policy.
    2. Withdrawal of Consent: Participants have the option to withdraw their consent for research participation at any time. We provide clear instructions on how to do this, such as contacting our Member Services team or utilizing an opt-out mechanism. We ensure that the process is straightforward and respects participants' choices.
    3. Preference Settings: For participants who are members of our wholly-owned online panels, we offer a dedicated "preference settings" page within the panel's website. This allows participants to customize their opt-in and opt-out preferences for different types of research activities. By providing this flexibility, we empower participants to manage their consent preferences effectively.
    4. Unsubscribe Links: We include visible and user-friendly unsubscribe links in our survey email invitations and panel membership communications. These links enable participants to easily opt out of receiving further communication from us. We ensure that the unsubscribe process is seamless and respects participants' choices.

    Regarding sample sources owned by other parties to whom we provide access, we collaborate with trusted partners who uphold similar data protection standards. In such cases, we ensure that the participants have clear and accessible channels to manage their consent for the processing of their personal data. We work closely with our partners to align our processes and support channels to maintain consistency and compliance with data protection regulations.

    At Laconic Research, we prioritize participants' control over their personal data and provide them with accessible support channels to manage their consent effectively. We strive to create a transparent and user-friendly environment that respects participants' privacy preferences throughout their engagement with us.

    How do you track and comply with other applicable laws and regulations, such as those that might impact the incentives paid to participants?

    At Laconic Research, we have established a robust legal structure to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations that may impact the incentives paid to participants. Here's how we track and comply with these requirements:

    1. Legal Compliance Awareness: Our legal structure is designed to address regional or country-level specificities and ensure that process owners are informed about the legal compliance matters that affect our research activities. We stay up to date with relevant laws and regulations in each jurisdiction where we operate to ensure adherence to local requirements.
    2. Incentive System: We utilize a point system to incentivize our panelists and respondents. This point system is designed to be neutral and unbiased, ensuring that participation is not skewed towards specific groups of people. We periodically enhance the reward system by combining points with other types of incentives, such as prepaid cards or digital rewards, to provide a diverse range of options.
    3. Fair Value Determination: The point values assigned to incentives may vary from country to country. We ensure that the value of points remains below the average hourly rate after taxes, preventing the creation of full-time panel employees. The specific percentage is determined based on factors like the average number of surveys available over the given year, maintaining fairness in the compensation offered.
    4. Incentive Redemption: Our panelists have the opportunity to redeem their earned points for various rewards, including merchandise, prepaid cards, or larger amounts of points. We provide clear instructions and options for redemption, ensuring a seamless and satisfactory experience for participants.
    5. Data Retention: We inform our respondents through our Privacy Policy about the standard retention period associated with reward fulfillment. Typically, information associated with reward fulfillment is retained for two years, while information related to contests and prize fulfillment is retained for three years. By communicating these retention practices, we maintain transparency and respect participants' privacy rights.

    6. At Laconic Research, we are committed to tracking and complying with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to incentives paid to participants. Our legal structure, fair incentive system, and transparent data retention practices allow us to maintain compliance while providing an engaging and rewarding research experience for our participants.

    What is your approach to collecting and processing the personal data of children and young people? Do you adhere to standards and guidelines provided by ESOMAR or GRBN member associations? How do you comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations?

    At Laconic Research, we have a diligent approach to collecting and processing the personal data of children and young people. Here's how we ensure compliance with applicable standards, guidelines, and data protection laws:

    1. Children's Privacy Protection: We prioritize the protection of children's personal information. As a part of our commitment to compliance, we do not collect personal information from children. Surveying of panelists' children is only conducted through advocacy, ensuring that any involvement of children in our research is done with the utmost care and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
    2. Adherence to Industry Standards: Laconic Research is affiliated with professional market research organizations, including ESOMAR and GRBN member associations. We strictly adhere to the standards and guidelines provided by these industry bodies, such as the ESOMAR International Code of Conduct and any relevant codes of our national market research associations. By complying with these industry regulations, we demonstrate our commitment to ethical research practices and the protection of personal data.
    3. Compliance with Data Protection Laws: Laconic Research fully complies with applicable data protection laws and regulations in all jurisdictions where we operate. We closely monitor and stay up to date with evolving legal requirements to ensure that our data collection and processing practices align with the highest standards of privacy and data protection. We prioritize the rights and privacy of individuals, including children and young people, in accordance with the respective laws governing their personal data.

    Our approach to collecting and processing the personal data of children and young people is guided by a strong commitment to compliance, ethics, and data protection. By adhering to industry standards and applicable laws, we strive to maintain the trust and confidence of our participants, clients, and the wider community.

    Do you implement “data protection by design” (sometimes referred to as “privacy by design”) in your systems and processes? If so, please describe how.

    At Laconic Research, we prioritize the implementation of "data protection by design" or "privacy by design" principles in our systems and processes. Here's how we ensure privacy and data protection are integral to our operations:

    1. Compliance with Regulations: We adhere to data protection laws and regulations, such as the GDPR/EU Regulation, which emphasizes privacy by design. We have incorporated this principle into our practices since its enforcement in Feb 2020, and we continue to align with any relevant regulations in the jurisdictions where we operate.
    2. Risk Assessment and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs): We conduct thorough assessments of security and privacy risks for all new initiatives, including research methodologies, technologies, and operational flows that involve processing personal data. When necessary, we perform Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) to evaluate the potential impact on individuals' privacy and implement necessary measures to mitigate risks.
    3. Documentation of Research Flows and Data Traceability: We document end-to-end research flows and panel management processes by creating Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs). These diagrams allow us to visualize the journey of personal data within our systems and ensure transparency and traceability. We maintain Registries of Processing Activities to track and monitor any changes in our tools, systems, and processes used for processing personal data.
    4. Internal Audits and Remediation Plans: We conduct regular internal quality, security, and data protection audits. These audits help us identify any potential security and data protection risks and ensure that our processes align with privacy by design principles. If any issues are identified, we promptly implement remediation plans that include corrective actions to address and resolve them.

    By incorporating privacy by design principles, we integrate privacy and data protection considerations into every aspect of our systems and processes. This approach helps us safeguard personal data, minimize risks, and uphold the privacy rights and expectations of our participants and clients.

    What are the key elements of your information security compliance program? Please specify the framework(s) or auditing procedure(s) you comply with or certify to. Does your program include an asset-based risk assessment and internal audit process?

    At Laconic Research, we prioritize information security and have established a comprehensive information security compliance program. Here are the key elements of our program:

    1. Framework and Standards: We have designed our information security framework based on industry standards and best practices, including ISO 27001:2013. Each entity within Laconic Research follows a global management framework that is documented in policies aligned with information security and data privacy requirements.
    2. Policies and Processes: We have a set of thoroughly documented and formalized policies and processes that cover various aspects of information security and data protection. These include policies such as Information Management, Information Security, Access Management, Risk Management, Incident Management, Change Management, Vendor Management, Vulnerability Management, and Patch Management.
    3. Delegated Responsibilities: Under the supervision of our Global Information Security team, asset owners and country IT managers have been delegated with specific information security and data privacy responsibilities, which are documented in the Information Management Policy.
    4. Risk Assessment and Internal Audit: We implement an asset-based risk assessment process as part of our information security management system. Our risk management practices involve assessing risks and opportunities for each asset, evaluating organizational impacts, identifying and ranking threats and vulnerabilities, and classifying risks as High, Medium, or Low. Risks requiring mitigation controls are reduced to an acceptable level, and management validation is sought for risks that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level. We conduct regular internal audits that encompass information security controls, privacy, and data protection criteria. These audits ensure compliance with applicable privacy laws, information security standards, and internal policies. We also develop corrective and preventative action plans, review them consistently, and ensure their implementation.
    5. Awareness Programs: We have information security and data protection awareness programs in place at the corporate level. These programs are available to all Laconic Research employees through our global training center platform. They focus on promoting key acceptable practices and policies related to information security and data privacy.
    6. Supplier Assessment and Approval: We have a Supplier Assessment and Approval Policy that outlines contractual terms for outsourced services, including information security, data privacy, and relevant IT controls. We vet subcontractors to ensure compliance with our standards and requirements regarding information security, data privacy, and IT operations controls.
    7. Physical and Logical Security Measures: We have implemented comprehensive physical and logical security measures across our data centers and managed hosting providers. Physical security measures include 24/7 security guards, restricted access to authorized staff, monitored alarm systems, CCTV surveillance, and fire suppression systems. Logical security measures include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, change management processes, access control protocols, regular audits, password policies, encryption for data in transit, security awareness programs, vulnerability scans, and penetration testing.
    8. Auditing and Certification: We have entities within Laconic Research that are certified against industry standards such as ISO 27001, ISO 20252, and ISO 9001. These certifications are achieved through internal and external auditing schemes, ensuring compliance with information security controls, privacy and data protection criteria, and relevant regulations. We review ISO 27001 certification status and SOC 2/SSAE18 Type 2 audit reports annually, along with conducting regular service reviews.

    By implementing these key elements, we aim to establish and maintain a robust information security compliance program that safeguards the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.

    Do you certify to or comply with a quality framework such as ISO 20252?

    Yes, at Laconic Research, we comply with a quality framework known as ISO 20252. We understand the importance of maintaining high-quality standards in our research activities, and adhering to ISO 20252 helps us achieve this goal. Here is how we comply with this framework:

    1. Certification and Independent Audits: Laconic Research ensures that its entity responsible for global processes and platforms, including panel management, sampling, and online data collection, is independently audited and certified annually according to ISO 20252. This certification validates our adherence to the requirements of market, opinion, and social research set forth by ISO 20252. Additionally, our entity is also certified against ISO 27001 for information security management systems and ISO 9001 for quality management systems.
    2. Consistent Application: The global processes and tools maintained and streamlined by Laconic Research, including online panels, sampling, and data collection operations, are aligned with the requirements of ISO 20252. These processes and tools are validated by global experts and process owners to ensure consistent application across regions while considering regional specificities, legal requirements, and regulatory standards.
    3. Documented and Auditable Processes: We have established documented and auditable processes that include validation and checking gates, pretesting phases, and change management steps. These processes aim to reduce risks and provide effective outputs at key stages of data collection, data management, respondent recruitment, management, and engagement.
    4. Subcontractor Selection and Monitoring: We collaborate with subcontractors who undergo thorough selection and monitoring processes. We consider criteria such as adherence to industry codes of practice, working standards similar to ours, and proof of compliance with ISO prerequisites.
    5. Risk Identification and Mitigation: We have implemented a robust methodology for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks in our key processes and at the global infrastructure and platform levels. This approach helps us ensure the confidentiality of client-provided data, survey data, and respondent data.
    6. Training and Awareness Programs: We prioritize comprehensive training programs to enhance our teams' expertise in online research. Additionally, we provide mandatory security, privacy, and data protection trainings to all Laconic Research employees on an annual basis. These trainings are conducted across all our offices/entities and are included in the onboarding and induction programs for newcomers.
    7. Continuous Improvement: We actively seek lessons learned, client feedback, and audit results to drive continuous improvement. We analyze various indicators to make fact-based decisions on improvement initiatives. Our aim is to streamline and automate processes for increased quality, efficiency, and compliance while delivering online research services that meet the requirements of all stakeholders.

    By complying with ISO 20252, we demonstrate our commitment to maintaining high-quality standards in our research activities, ensuring data integrity, and delivering reliable insights to our clients.

    Which of the following are you able to provide to buyers, in aggregate and by country and source? Please include a link or attach a file of a sample report for each of the metrics you use.
    1. Average qualifying or completion rate, trended by month
    2. Percent of paid completes rejected per month/project, trended by month
    3. Percent of members/accounts removed/quarantined, trended by month
    4. Percent of paid completes from 0-3 months tenure, trended by month
    5. Percent of paid completes from smartphones, trended by month
    6. Percent of paid completes from owned/branded member relationships versus intercept participants, trended by month
    7. Average number of dispositions (survey attempts, screenouts, and completes) per member, trended by month (potentially by cohort)
    8. Average number of paid completes per member, trended by month (potentially by cohort) 9. Active unique participants in the last 30 days
    9. Active unique 18-24 male participants in the last 30 days
    10. Maximum feasibility in a specific country with nat rep quotas, seven days in field, 100% incidence, 10-minute interview
    11. Percent of quotas that reached full quota at time of delivery, trended by month

    Please note that these reports are provided to clients upon request. We understand that each client's needs and reporting requirements may vary, and we are committed to providing tailored information based on their specific needs.

    If you have any further questions or require additional information, please feel free to let us know.